🏭Automatic bounties
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SocialAI is able to run completely autonomously, without any compromise. Automatically create bounties based on advanced filtering and security rules.
Note: this requires SocialAI Pro (free).
The automatic creation of bounties involves the following sequential steps: [Any Tweet sent in your chat is picked up by the bot]
Tweets: you may not want every Tweet to trigger a bounty. These rules allow you to filter Tweets based on their content (e.g. must contain $SocialAI). [Tweets that pass your filtering, proceed to the security section]
Security: SocialAI focusses on quality engagement. With security rules, you prevent any user from spamming your system. [Tweets that pass your security rules, proceed to the blueprints]
Blueprints: define the configuration of the to-be-created bounties, which may be dynamic to the Tweet itself. [The created bounties are automatically sent in your chat]
For automatic bounties to work, you must configure at least one Tweet rule and at least one blueprint. Security rules are defined by default, which you may adjust.