⚙️Fully automated (in 5 min)

SocialAI is designed to do the heavy lifting. Customized within minutes to handle all your community engagement automatically.

Whenever someone sends a Tweet in your Telegram chat, it goes through the following evaluation process. Only if it satisfies your rules, a bounty is created accordingly.

  1. Tweet assignment: is the Tweet about your project?

  2. Blueprint: do the Tweet and Tweet author satisfy your rules? If so, which goals and rewards should be applied?

  3. Security rules: additional layer of security to prevent botted/malicious activities.

1. Tweet assignment

Use project rules to determine what a Tweet must contain for it to be assigned to your project. A bounty may only be created if the Tweet satisfies one of these rules.

1.1 Navigate to project rules

Go to Triggers > Automatic rules > Project rules.

1.2 Create your first rule

Start by creating your first rule. For a Tweet to satisfy your rule, it must contain everything.

1.3 Create multiple rules

Use multiple rules to create the following logic: a Tweet must contain

  • #SocialAI or

  • $sAI or

  • @SocialAIFinane or

  • 'SocialAI' and https://socialai.finance

Each bullet point represents its own rule.

2. Blueprints

A blueprint is a set of rules containing the engagement goals, rewards, and what/who is able to satisfy it. To have different goals and rewards based on the Tweet, create multiple blueprints.

When a Tweet is assigned to your project, it is tested against your blueprints from top to bottom. A bounty is created according to the rules of the first blueprint it satisfies, if any.

In the image below,

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