📊Why use SocialAI (Features)


With hundreds of crypto projects launching on a daily basis, investors are overloaded with options. You have 5 seconds to convey your value proposition and convince the potential investor your project is worth their time, if you are even able to reach them.

Luckily, you are not alone. If done properly, your community operates as a highly effective marketing team with a massive collective reach. The key is to keep them engaged, which is a very difficult and time-consuming task. That is exactly where SocialAI comes in.


SocialAI is built around the principles of behavioural sciences to get the community engaged in the most effective way possible. According to the Fogg Behaviour Model, there are three factors that determine if someone engages with your project: ease-of-use, incentive, and the prompt itself. SocialAI operates in your community based on these three core principles.


The easier it is to engage, the more interactions you receive. That's why SocialAI allows community members to like, comment, and retweet with your Tweets straight from within Telegram. No more clicking on links, switching apps, and getting distracted.


Whenever one Tweets about your project, a bounty prompting members to engage is automatically created. This results in an overview of Tweets about your project showcasing the content, engagement goals, and to-be-earned rewards to maximize interactions. SocialAI comes with a highly customizable set of filtering and security rules to automatically determine which Tweets and Tweet authors are eligible.


The higher the incentive to engage, the more interactions you receive. That's why SocialAI offers a number of customizable rewards that can be automatically and securely applied/distributed. Choose whatever suits your needs.

BuyBack&Burn and AddLiquidity&Burn

Decrease your circulating token supply with BuyBack&Burns, or increase your liquidity pool with AddLiquidity&Burns. Automatically and securely executed by SocialAI's smart contract when the bounty's goals are reached. This creates an exciting event for your community to work towards.

XP with leaderboard

Personally reward your engagers for each interaction and track their contributed value with SocialAI's XP system. With a leaderboard in your Telegram chat, top engagers receive the public acknowledgement they deservce, and a competitive spirit is lifted.


Tweet-to-earn is included in the XP system, automatically rewarding those who post meaningful Tweets about your project.

Dynamic chat lock

Chat lock is a popular feature because it's simple and free. However, most currently available chat lock solutions have one fundamental flaw. The chat is locked for the entire duration of the bounty, leaving you with two options:

  1. A short-lived bounty of 3-5 minutes, giving your community very little time to engage.

  2. A bounty with proper engagement goals, resulting in a chat locked for 30-90 minutes.

That's why SocialAI is the first to offer a dynamic chat lock, which can be activated for the first e.g. 5 likes or 10 minutes, after which the bounty proceeds with an unlocked chat.

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